Sunday, September 29, 2013

Truxton Park: Pump House Road

Pump House Road
Annapolis, MD 21403
2 out of 5 swings

We were SO not impressed by this park. It was hard to find, and when we did find it I was almost leery about getting out of my car. It looked abandoned and scary. Something out of a horror movie. We went in mid day... maybe about 3pm and there was maybe 1 or 2 people in the park. I saw a couple of joggers run past me on the nature trails, which I walked only a little ways down, as it started getting secluded the deeper we got into it. The parking lot was surrounded by a small playground, a baseball field, wooded trails with no signage of where they lead and a closed-for-the-season pool. 

A creepy looking man  was sitting at the playground so I opted to skip over that, since I was already feeling a bit skeptical about this park anyway. The little bit of walking on the trail we did (before we made a bee-line for the car) brought us to an old rickety wooden bridge. The wood boards creaked and moved underneath my feet. It did not feel secure at all. I got back in my car and noted that down the street a little further, there is a boat ramp, a pavilion and a few tennis courts.

The reviews I read online about this park speak of a brand new recreation center, skate park and newer baseball fields, which I did NOT run across. There seems to be a bit of disconnect between the old section of Truxton Park and the new one? It may warrant a second visit to find this newer section of the park, in which I will rate as separate, because that seems to be the way they treated the park.

I promised Bray a nice day at the park and this certainly was not the location for it. We gave this park a 2 out of 5 only because we liked the view from the bridge. :)

Playground from a distance

A creepy summer camp map painted on an old building from 2004

Note the tire in the water

walking path

The closed pool

It did have a pretty view from the bridge

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