Sunday, September 15, 2013

Cosca Regional Park | Clinton

11000 Thrift Rd
Clinton, MD 20735

3 out of 5 swings

This park was definitely interesting to say the least. It has lots of shade with beautiful tall trees, a lake, picnic areas with grills, walking trails, volleyball, paddle boats, a train, a nature center AND a skate park! ( I had never seen one of these in a state park before... ) It also has one of the most amazing playgrounds ever... it was like the SUPER DUPER sized playground. (As i looked back through my pictures I realized I didn't even get a pic of the playground! DOH! ... Sorry. I'll do better next time.) It was great to see people out and about with their children. Enjoying the weather, fishing and having a picnic.

At first I was super excited about this find, but as I got further into the park, I realized something that made my heart sink. This park was very hilly and for some very strange reason, it was not at all accessible for strollers and wheelchairs. There were stairs everywhere! The playground sat atop a huge hill and luckily the parking lot I had parked at was next to it. However, when we decided to go down to the lake, far below the playground, I had to find alternative ways to get there, because there were two very steep sets of stairs on either side of the playground to get down to lower ground. Apparently I was not the only one with this issue either. A mother on the swing set next to me asked, "Excuse me, do you know how to get down to the lake with a stroller?" I exclaimed, "I'm looking for the same thing!" There was no way down. We had to go BACK OUT to the parking lot walk all the way to the end of the huge lot almost back out to the street and find a walking path that went down through this forested area. Then once we got to the bottom of the hill, guess what...? MORE STAIRS... I still had to push my stroller through rocks and mud! Everywhere I looked there were stairs.  

Not to mention, once I got past the stairs issue,  and got to the walking paths by the lake, I found that the paths ended abruptly and did not connect... So I again had to push stroller through grass or mud to get to the other sections... Who PLANNED this park anyway? It was very disappointing. The property was still very beautiful. The nature was awesome. Bray loved the little frog statue. But another issue I had was trash. Trash in the lake, trash on the grounds... garbage cans overflowing. It really took away from the beauty of this park. 

Other than those issues, the park would work well for families with older kids. For my purposes of needing a park that worked well with my current situation, I cannot overlook the horrible inaccessibility issue. Bray and I liked the park, but we only give this one a 3 out of 5 swings

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