Sunday, September 29, 2013

Pierce's Park

716 Eastern Blvd
Baltimore, MD 21202

5 out of 5 swings

Bray absolutely LOVED this park. We happened across it when we were headed into the Baltimore Aquarium this weekend. As we were walking by, we noticed this LUSH greenery and modern designed decorative metal fence surrounding a great open space for the kid of ours to run around in. The open space is surrounded by berms (Low hills high enough to keep the kids inside the park but low enough for parents to see over) There is also a very modern playground style merry-go-round and cool metal sculptures. I loved the relationship between hard metal and beautiful nature... symbolizing the unity of urban living and natural environment!

As we explored the park, It wasn't long before I looked down onto the path on which we were walking and saw the play on words engraved into the stone right underneath our feet. They were homophones, or words that are pronounced the same way, but have totally different meanings. "KERNEL" and "COLONEL". "HIRE" and "HIGHER". There are so many of them when you think about it ... our language is ridiculous sometimes. :) We found ourselves trying to think of some ourselves as we continued to run around the park.

The sounds of chimes filled the heir... er, I mean air --- oh, look a homophone! :D The fence is actually a musical instrument! Visitors can stop and play the fence with the connected mallets!  Also in the park is a very cool willow tree tunnel... This was Bray's favorite part of the whole park. He ran in and out of the tunnel with such a smile on his face. 

And to top it off, the park is a sustainable space, in line with Waterfront Partnership’s ‘Healthy Harbor’ Sustainability Initiative.
This park is soooo awesome. It is not just a patch of land where they slapped a swing set and slide (Though that would have been a nice addition to this park). It is a well designed/well thought out, beautiful park that invokes such imagination! We give it 5 out of 5 swings

If you want to learn more about the park go to:

Kids love the willow tunnel!

Great open space!

So lush and green

A man playing the musical fence

willow tunnel

Modern looking trash and recycling receptacles


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