Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Crofton Park

2285 Davidsonville Road
Crofton, MD 21054

3 out of 5 swings

This park was decent. Nothing to write home to mama about, though. A couple of play sets in a wooded area with a pond. A sad, flat-looking, still-water pond though, not the pretty kind. Some landscaping might have helped? It wasn't much to look at but the people at this park were super friendly. Bray was having fun with a boy twice his age... who kept insisting to say BABY to Bray... Bray kept looking around like "I know he's not talking about me?! I'm grown."

The rest of the park also has an amphitheater, paved walking trails pavilions and sports fields.
It also has different age-appropriate sections. The one closest to the parking lot is for younger kids, while the one down the path a little is for a little older. Both are very small, so traffic jams happen. Kids have to wait their turn to go down the one big slide. (he walks right past the smaller slide).

Bray of course likes the one for the bigger kids best. Maybe it's because he likes playing with the bigger kids! Maybe he thinks he's one of them. I don't know, but he doesn't stay at the smaller section very long. He
 is getting good at this playground thing, so mommy and daddy have to keep up. As soon as you put him down he's GONE. Running here and there, under this and over that. Climbing (or trying to) slides the wrong way is his favorite thing ever. I'm there to catch him every time he fails though. :) 

The good thing about this park is that it has plenty of shade. In warm sun, i'm sure this is a positive. Although in the cool Autumn air, it was a bit of a bummer not to have the sun rays! This was a nice enough neighborhood park, but to us it just lacked energy. It was just so blah. We give this park 3 out of 5 swings.

plenty of shade

failing up the slide...

down the slide we go!


daddy chasing bray... or is bray chasing daddy? hmmm

hmmm can't reach the tic tac toe!

1 comment:

  1. We went to this park. Bella and her cousin made short work of it.
